- Bluetooth is a standardized protocol for sending and receiving data via a 2.4GHz wireless link.
- It’s a secure protocol, and it’s perfect for short-range, low-power, low-cost, wireless transmissions between electronic devices.
- These days it feels like everything is wireless, and Bluetooth is a big part of that wireless revolution.
- You’ll find Bluetooth embedded into a great variety of consumer products, like headsets, video game controllers.
- In our world of embedded electronics hackery, Bluetooth serves as an excellent protocol for wirelessly transmitting relatively small amounts of data over a short range (<100m).
- It’s perfectly suited as a wireless replacement for serial communication interfaces.
The Bluetooth protocol operates at 2.4GHz in the same unlicensed ISM frequency band where RF protocols like ZigBee and WiFi also exist.
Masters, Slaves, and Piconets
- Bluetooth networks (commonly referred to as piconets) use a master/slave model to control when and where devices can send data.
- In this model, a single master device can be connected to up to seven different slave devices. Any slave device in the piconet can only be connected to a single master.
- The master coordinates communication throughout the piconet. It can send data to any of its slaves and request data from them as well.
- Slaves are only allowed to transmit to and receive from their master. They can’t talk to other slaves in the piconet.
- Bluetooth Addresses and Names
- Every single Bluetooth device has a unique 48-bit address, commonly abbreviated BD_ADDR.
- This will usually be presented in the form of a 12-digit hexadecimal value.
- The most-significant half (24 bits) of the address is an organization unique identifier (OUI), which identifies the manufacturer. The lower 24-bits are the more unique part of the address.
Pin Configuration – AT Command
HC-05 GND — Arduino GND Pin
HC-05 VCC (5V) — Arduino 5V
HC-05 TX — Arduino Pin 10 (soft RX)
HC-05 RX — Arduino Pin11 (soft TX)
HC-05 Key (PIN 34) — Arduino Pin 9
Bluetooth – AT Mode { Steps to change data mode to AT mode}
- Unplug power from HC-05
- Upload sketch
- Hold in HC-05 button
- Reconnect power to HC-05 (wait until LED blinks slowly)
- Press Arduino reset button
- Open Serial Monitor
- Make sure “Both NL & CR” is selected
- Type AT commands
AT Commands
- AT – Check the Connection
- AT+NAME – Default name
- AT+ADDR – Default Address
- AT+VERSION – Version
- AT+UART – Baudrate
- AT+ROLE – Role of the BT module (1=Master, 0=Slave)
- AT+PSWD –Default password
- AT+CMODE – Connection Mode { 0- connect to specific addr, 1- connect any addr}
- AT+ORGL – Restore factory settings
- AT+RESET - Reset and exit AT mode
Slave Configuration
Master Configuration
Program to control the LED in the Master device by client device through push button through Bluetooth communication:-
Client Code:-
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial BT(2,3);
#define button 8
int state = 20;
int buttonState = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(button, INPUT);
Serial.println("Slave Bluetooth");
void loop() {
// Reading the button
buttonState = digitalRead(button);
if (buttonState == HIGH) {
BT.write('1');// Sends '1' to the master to turn on LED
else {
Server Code:-
SoftwareSerial BTM(2,3);
#define ledPin 10
int state = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
Serial.println("Receiving Master");
// Default communication rate of the Bluetooth module
void loop() {
if(BTM.available() > 0){
state =;
Serial.println("State of Slave");
// Reads the data from the serial port
// Controlling the LED
if (state == '1') {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // LED ON
else if (state == '0') {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // LED ON
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