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Driver Anti Sleep Device

Topic:- Driver Anti-Sleep Device


Because of the tremendous increase in traffic day by day road accidents are increasing at a huge scale. Accidents due to driver drowsiness can be prevented using eye blink sensors. 

There are two main components here in this project. First is Arduino Nano which is the heart of the project. and  second is the eye blink sensor. 

The driver has to wear the eye blink sensor frame throughout the course of driving and the eye blink has to be for some particular amount of seconds to detect drowsiness or sleep. 

Any random changes in steering movement lead to fatal accidents. But this project will avoid accidents. The outcome is that the vibration motor attached to the eye blink sensor’s frame vibrates if the driver falls asleep and a buzzer will beep for sound indication.

So there is audio, led and vibration indication for the driver if he falls asleep. if I talk about the advancement in the project we can add features like Hazard warning lights, brake will be applied in stepwise , and then finally Engine will Off after getting indication for alert and we can also use GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) Module to access the location of driver and notified alert message to their family/friends.



As we can see in the block diagram for input purpose there is a eye blink sensor which comprise of LM358 Comparator. and Arduino nano which comprise of Atmega 328 Microcontroller. we are giving external power supply to Arduino nano and as for getting output we have connected vibration motor, buzzer alarm and led.


 We have connected all the components according to circuit diagram.

 first we have connected vcc pin of eye blink sensor to 5v in arduino nano, ground pin to ground of arduino nano and output to analog pin A0.

vibration motor and buzzer are connected in parallel and (-)ve terminal of this connected to ground and (+)ve terminal is connected to digital pin D13.

Battery (-)ve terminal is connected to grnd pin and (+)ve terminal is connected in series with spst switch to Vin pin of arduino.

And We Have Completed Our Circuit Connection.....!


The eye blink sensor is an infrared sensor. It contains two parts. A transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter continuously emits infrared waves onto the eye. While the receiver continuously looks for variations in the reflected waves which indicates that the eye has blinked.

If the eye is closed that means it will give high output. If the eye is open then it will give a low output.

The eye blink sensor constantly sends infrared waves which are reflected and detected by the receiver. As soon as the eye blinks, the output of the sensor goes high. This input/output is compared through lm 358 comparator and then sent to the Arduino board. 

The Arduino sends the signal to the buzzer and vibration motor to make the noise and vibrate. In this way, a blink is detected. 

According to code written in board it is going to perform task if the eyes of the driver are closed for more than 2-3 seconds depending upon our preference the buzzer will beep and vibration motor start vibrating the frame.

This system can be used with all modes of transports be it trains, ships, planes, cars, etc. This can be very useful to avoid accidents.

To Activate  This Device we have to simply switch on SPST Switch.

Arduino IDE                      

The Arduino IDE is an open-source software, which is used to write and upload code to the Arduino boards. The IDE application is suitable for different operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It supports the programming languages C and C++. Here, IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment.
The program or code written in the Arduino IDE is often called as sketching. We need to connect the Genuino and Arduino board with the IDE to upload the sketch written in the Arduino IDE software. The sketch is saved with the extension '.ino.'


Arduino Nano
Eyeblink sensor
Vibration Motor
9V Battery

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